Volunteers at Ground Work Wales get litter picking at the River Rhymney in Wales

Half a tonne of waste removed from Rhymney river by Groundwork Wales, with community investment by EMR and Natural Resources Wales

Dunboyne & Manchester, 27th August, 2024:  Leading utility network and cyber security provider, EMR Integrated Solutions, together with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) today announced community investment into Groundwork Wales’ Healthy Rivers programme on the river Rhymney.

Since April 2024, 140 volunteers, including children from local schools have dedicated 218 hours to litter picks, resulting in the removal of over half a tonne of waste from the River Rhymney.  This includes removal of 106 bags of litter, each weighing approximately 5kg as well as larger items such as fridge freezers, gas canisters, scrap metal, roadwork barriers and even an axe.

The programme benefits over 23,000 residents living along the Rhymney river as well as thousands of people in downstream communities, by improving the river environment as well as reducing waste entering the sea from rivers.

EMR Integrated Solutions is a supplier of secure telemetry and SCADA networks to NRW and its participation in the Rhymney River cleanup was triggered by NRW’s social value policy, which invites suppliers to invest in community-based, environmental projects across Wales.

Healthy Rivers is run by Groundwork Wales which has been developing river conservation activities with local community volunteers for several years in collaboration with stakeholders across south east Wales.

Commenting on the success of the programme, Mark Quinn, managing director with EMR Integrated Solutions said:

“We’re acutely aware of the need to protect and support the environment along our inland waterways and were delighted to lend our support to this initiative.  We’re grateful to all the volunteers who have worked so hard in recent weeks to protect this precious ecosystem and delighted to be supporting Groundwork Wales.”

Katy Stevenson, Groundwork Wales said:

“We’ve been working with an increasing number of corporate organisations to help them play their part in taking corporate responsibility for the climate and nature emergency. It’s crucial that our corporate partners play their part in this, and we are really grateful to EMR for its support of and investment in our Healthy Rivers programme.”


Andy Wall, National Flood Risk Services Manager at Natural Resources Wales said:

“We are working with EMR to deliver a new telemetry system for our river, rainfall and sea monitoring network. Telemetry plays a fundamental role in the delivery of our Flood Warning Services and the management of the water environment across Wales. We’re delighted to see the local community coming together to make a difference to the local environment and to see such positive outcomes from this partnership.”


EMR Integrated Solutions is a strategic supplier to critical national infrastructure and water utility providers across the UK and Europe.  Its clients include Northumbrian Water, Affinity Water, South West Water and Irish Water.

Groundwork Wales is a leading environmental charity, taking practical action to create a fair and green future in which people, places and nature thrive.


Notes to Editors on NRW

We’re leading the way in the challenge of ensuring Wales can survive and thrive against the backdrop of the nature, climate and pollution emergencies – advising and regulating industry, and working with partners to improve the quality of our waters, the air we breathe and the land and special places that we manage sustainably. From flooding to pollution incidents, we’re always braced to keep people and wildlife safe from the impacts of environmental incidents 24/7. Every decision we make is rooted in evidence, the expertise of our colleagues and the passion of the people living in the communities that we work alongside every day.

For more information www.naturalresources.wales


Pictured above are volunteers from Groundwork Wales working on the Rhymney river cleanup.